Journal Publications

  • The Demand Effects of Joint Product Advertising in Online Videos, (with Anuj Kumar), Management Science. (2015), 61(8), 1921-1937.


  • Inventory Planning for a Modular Product Family, (with Anand Paul, Asoo Vakharia), Production and Operations Management. (2015), 24(7), 1033-1053.


  • The Agency Model for Digital Goods, (with Janice Carrillo, Hsing Kenneth Cheng), Decision Science. (2016), 47(4), 628-660.


  • Strategic Analysis of the Agency Model for Digital Goods, (with Janice Carrillo), Production and Operations Management. (2017), 26(4), 724-741.


  • Mitigating Inventory Overstocking: Optimal Order-up-to Level to Achieve a Target Fill Rate, (with Anand Paul, Qi Deng, Lai Wei), Production and Operations Management. (2017), 26(11), 1971-1988.


  • How Add-On Pricing Interacts with Distribution Contracts, (with Xianjun Geng, Lai Wei), Production and Operations Management. (2018), 27(4), 605-623.


  • CAPTIvatE: Building Blocks for Implementing Active Learning, (with Brent Kitchens, Tawnya Means), Journal of Education for Business. (2018), 93(2), 58-73.


  • Marketplace, Reseller, or Hybrid: a Strategic Analysis of Emerging E-Commerce Model, (with Lin Tian, Asoo Vakharia, Yifan Xu), Production and Operations Management. (2018), 27(8), 1595-1610.


  • Strategic Analysis of Dual Sourcing and Dual Channel with an Unreliable Alternative Supplier, (with Baozhuang Niu, Jiawei Li, Jie Zhang, Hsing Kenneth Cheng), Production and Operations Management. (2019), 28(3), 570-587.


  • Multi-Attribute Procurement Auctions in the Presence of Satisfaction Risk, (with He Huang, Liming Liu, Geoffrey Parker, Hongyan Xu), Production and Operations Management. (2019), 28(5), 1206-1221.


  • Altruism or Shrewd Business? Implications of Technology Openness on Innovations and Competition, (with He Huang, Geoffrey Parker, Hongyan Xu), MIS Quarterly. (2020), 44(3), 1049-1071.


  • When to Play Your AD? Optimal Insertion Policy of Behavioral Advertisement, (with Subodha Kumar, Lai Wei), Information Systems Research. (2020), 31(2) 589-606.


  • Social Promotion: A Creative Promotional Framework on Consumers’ Social Network Value, (with Haibing Gao, Huazhong Zhao, Ya (Lisa) Lin, Lai Wei), Production and Operations Management. (2020), Forthcoming.


Book Chapter

  • The Multi-product Newsvendor Problem: Review, Extensions, and Directions for Future Research, (with Nazli Turken, Asoo Vakharia, Lan Wang, Ruoxuan Wang, Arda Yenipazarli), Handbook of Newsvendor Problems, Models, Extensions and Applications. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. Springer New York.


Working Papers

  • When Investors Meet Consumers: When Investors Meet Consumers: The Interaction of DifferentBackers in Crowdfunding Markets, (with Haibing Gao, Huazhong Zhao), Under Review